Find out what people say about SweatNow

FitPros weigh in on the
power of SweatNow

"I teach so many formats in multiple facilities, it's hard for my followers to keep up with my schedule. SweatNow is the solution trainers like me have been waiting for. I need one portal, one place, and SweatNow is the answer!"

Carrie Wightman

Cycling, Flywheel

"I love knowing ahead of time who's coming to my class. I customize the class with their needs and strengths in mind, I can send them messages and hold them accountable. I love that SweatNow helps me connect with my existing followers and allows new followers to find m!"

Melissa Bloom

Yoga, Circuit Training

Users share what they love most about

"I love the flexibility of finding a group fitness class during my lunch. SweatNow has opened up a world of new trainers to me!"

Wayne, PA

Chris T.

"I love that SweatNow lets me see what and where my favorite fitpros teach. Being able to see their entire schedule in one place is unbelievable."

Villanova, PA

Lindsay S.

"I don't have time to workout during the week, so I make time for a long walk. But on the weekends, I love to treat myself to a special workout. That's why I LOVE the pop-ups on SweatNow. They are full of energy, well vetted classes, with some spectacular instructors!"

Philadelphia, PA

Stephanie M.

"I like being in the 'know' when a class is being cancelled or theres a sub. I get an instant notification and I can plan around it. The app is very intuitive, easy to use, and the instructor videos really motivate me to keep working out."

King of Prussia, PA

Alex P.

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